The story of Red Oxygen Films and our Fox

Our primary focus is creating audiovisual material which challenges interpretations and incites emotional and intellectual engagement on a deeper level. Call us geeky non-hippy hippies: a multilingual, hardworking and dedicated production brand.

Our interests lie in thought-provoking, music-related and highly creative material.


The story behind the name?

Red Oxygen, also known as o8 or solid oxygen, is oxygen which becomes solid (forming a a rhomboid o8 cluster consisting of four O2 molecules) and appears a deep red color when at pressures of 10 GPa or above.

The characteristics of Red Oxygen reflect our way of working: satisfying cinematic needs with highly creative content and lateral thinking combined with a great work ethic which does not fail under pressure. And we’re also a bit geeky.


And the Fox?

Mr. Fox or ROx Fox (roxfox) was inspired by one of our crew. Our Mr. Fox was a walking, talking human jukebox.

The underdog of the dog family, the Vulpes, commonly known as foxes, are a genus of the Canidae family, the same family that includes man’s best friend. They are highly adaptable, intelligent and rebellious creatures who have taught us about human character for centuries: in fables and folklore.

Our Mr. Fox or ROx Fox (roxfox) carries all the intelligence of its species and the creativity to find solutions, together with the mysticism assigned by storytellers. We’re also quite a foxy brand.